The power of gratitude
The Power of Gratitude
There is a lot more to gratitude than just giving or receiving. More than just acknowledging an action. Gratitude is a way of transforming the world. It may even transform our lives if we recognise and actively engage in it. Gratitude can do this? You bet!
If you think of gratitude, words in our minds can turn to actions. Emotions we are feeling can become more positive. Decisions we are making can be affected by more clarity.
Sharing gratitude spreads loving kindness. With the Christmas season upon us the generosity we show and receive intensifies even more. Gratitude is not about the me but the us. Positive giving and receiving!
Gratitude is a powerful emotion to level out the rollercoaster of our ups and downs. In deepest grief or highest joy it gives us a sense of perspective and balance when it is all too easy to focus on the negative. Feeling thankful makes our world brighter, optimistic and hopeful. The simple phone call to a lonely person, the random act of kindness to a homeless person or just smiling at a stranger are all are part of gratitude’s many aspects. The bond between giver and receiver allows us a deeper appreciation of each situation.
Gratitude is the contrast to gloomy ways. When we think of this year and the many sad moments, we can be grateful to those around us who support us, care for our planet and for the incredible vaccines that have been developed.
Gratitude can be contagious and spread out like a cloud of loving positivity from each of us.
“The best way to show gratitude” said Mother Teresa “is to accept everything, even my problems with joy”. Whether Christian or not these words still carry truth for us all.