Don't be SAD be GLAD

November Blog


As the clocks change this weekend and November kicks off longer nights and shorter days, many of us may dread  SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Feeling low in winter often shows itself in different ways but there are some common factors of SAD that we can identify: a lasting low mood, a lack of joy in normal activities, an irrational feeling of despair or helplessness. Sometimes energy levels are low, and we just want to sleep during the day finding getting up in the mornings harder and harder. SAD can even trigger appetite changes, so we may crave carbohydrates and gain weight.

Although we don’t fully understand SAD it is often the lack of sunlight exposure that is a given cause. Did you know your hormones are affected as a result? More melatonin due to less light can leave feel sleepy, less serotonin may lower our mood and our own body clock of circadian rhythms may be disrupted all perhaps due to daylight changes?

It is always worth checking any changes that worry you with your GP but there are also practical ways to recognise and alleviate this disorder. If you can sit by a window, take a quick walk outside or do some regular exercise these activities can help you to manage your stress levels better. Mornings are best. Making your home environment as light as possible is one aspect of light therapy worth exploring! Don’t forget that talking to others and sharing what you know, and feel is important for support too. If you need professional advice both CBT and counselling may also help if you are feeling low. Finally remember that what you eat is super important so having a healthy and balanced diet and staying hydrated really can kill the cravings and keep you fit and well in body and mind!

Rather than dread the winter darkness we can be grateful for the opportunities it brings us to take control. 

So don’t be SAD be GLAD- Get up, Lights on, Act on Advice and Direct your Diet for nourishment and self-love! 😊


Eleanor Dalzell