Therapy Thoughts: Lockdown 2
Lockdown is here again
Surprise, surprise!
New variant at play now
Brexit consequences now arise.
Vaccine is here too
Rollout is slow.
Stay at home
Exercise local and isolate
Welcome the limited freedom you know.
Neighbourhood WhatsApp group
Time to regenerate.
Christmas is over
New year is here
Hope grows stumbling
In the brighter light of day.
Find the positive, be mindful of the moment,
Overcome the fear!
Mental health is an issue,
Follow the advice, my dear!
Business is suffering
Parents and children struggling.
Exams now cancelled
Travel limited to a few
Working at home
Is it just déjà vu?
Car needs de-icing
No worries there
Nowhere to go
So really do not care.
What have we learned from the last lockdown, you and I?
Locked in, locked up, locked out and yet we cannot deny
We are strong, we are patient, we are here