Spring Cleaning Time
Mens sana in corpore sano or a healthy mind in a healthy body is a well-known phrase that is as relevant now as when this Latin motto first started off almost 2000 years ago.
As the days grow lighter and warmer now is the perfect opportunity to dust away the cobwebs in our minds as well as our homes! This will make us feel so much better in lots of ways. Linking our body and mindset with nature we can start afresh and clear out the old to welcome the new.
When we de-clutter, clean and tidy our homes we often find that we feel less stressed as we know where things are and jobs are now done rather than on a perpetual to do list! Yet why does the thought of spring-cleaning fill some of us with dread?
Sometimes we are so used to the jumble in our homes and our minds we don’t want to start on a job that may seem yet another burden added to our daily life. Sometimes we don’t see the need to do more than we already do. Yet if we do the same old same old won’t we get the same old , same old results? Often by mid to late February those exciting and well-intentioned resolutions from the beginning of the year have run their course. Instead of feeling a failure or disappointed that we are just repeating old mistakes perhaps now is the perfect time to review, renew and restore our self belief and our personal goals?
So when we look to start a challenge whether in our homes or in our minds perhaps we could start with a job we know we can complete and step by step, breath by breath we will find it gets done. Simply being more active and curious as well as challenging old ideas has been shown in so many research projects to be beneficial to our physical and mental health.
So why not dust off the cobwebs, tap into your creativity and get moving to enjoy the challenges of having a clean home housed in a healthy mind and a healthy body?