Mother's Day Poem
A poem that I have written for my Mother but one I hope you may enjoy sharing with yours!
Christine 27 March 2022
You carried me from conception to birth
Your body changing as I grew
Nourishing me from the start.
No longer thinking of being one at heart
You were there as I developed
And as we became two.
Arriving in the world
A helpless and innocent babe
You cared for me and made sure
I had food, was clean and clothed
Your kisses showered down
Making sure that I knew I was loved.
Your care amazing in those early days
Even though you were so tired and dazed.
You were there for my first breath
My first taste of milk
My first hugs. My first words.
Reading me from my needs
Before I ever spoke a word.
You were there as I grew and cried
Rocking, feeding, changing me
Reading, singing and bathing me
Sleepless nights constantly checking that I thrived
Seeing if I was OK,
Ensuring I survived.
As my circle grew, you were still my main carer
Sharing me with the world.
Family, nursery, nanny, childminder or schools
You were there and you laid down the rules.
Activities and interests
Commitments and events
Taxi driver and backup
You learned new roles
From terrible twos to
Teenage tantrums
Trauma of accidents to
Family feuds
You weathered the storm of puberty
Through it all, You, were there for me.
When I was growing up and leaving home
You felt your heart breaking
As you saw your child
Taking steps from you
Making their own way
Own mistakes and decisions
Yet you were there
A constant to come home to.
No matter what happened you were there
My listener
My helper
Advisor, supporter or just being there
My root, my home base.
My anchor of care.
A grandmother now and supporter still,
Loved by us all
In good times and ill.
Only now do I see how much
You mean to me,
Thank you, Mum,
For being you,
For all you have done.
For Without you
I would not be me.