Mother's Day Poem
Mother you are like no other in our life
Our first storyteller explaining wrong from right.
Heart of the home with food and chores to do
Juggling many roles as colleague, cheerleader, and psychologist too.
You provide for your family a unique type of glue.
A rock for us all putting our needs before yours
Even when all are scattered and long gone
Your influence on each person will stay and live on.
Love you give and our mistakes you forgive
From a helpless babe to a teenage terror,
A grown-up child needing guidance or heart-healing you provide
Our confidant and trustworthy voice of reason with love you guide
Our problem solver and best friend you are there
Offering a haven and a heart no matter how long we are apart.
The scents of your food and the sound of your laugh
Trigger memories and childhood thoughts.
Peacekeeper, problem solver, and comedian too
Thank you, Mother, especially this day.
For everything that you do.
Thank you so much above all for just being you.